2014年5月27日 星期二


例句: He sacrificed his whole life to protect his bother.
今天介紹『Ray Donovan(清道夫)』第一季第11(Episode 11 Season 1)part2一段對話,劇中飾演影星肖恩·沃克被殺害留下了一個baby
友人: I made the arrangements, for this baby to come into the world.
     And now she's an orphan(孤兒).
Donovan: She has a mother.
友人: That girl who walked behind Sean carrying a clipboard(寫字板)?
     An egg donor is not a mother.(卵子捐贈者並非為母親)
     Deb and I are the legal guardians.
Guardian: someone who is legally responsible for looking after someone else's child, especially after the child's parents have died.
Ex. His aunt is his legal guardian.
就是監護人的意思,您的合法監護人又是誰呢??(Who is your legal guardian?)

Learner’s dictionary

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