2015年3月31日 星期二


Previously on The walking dead: indoor室內的 and outdoor室外的

本週介紹The walking dead (陰屍路)』第4季第15(Episode 15Season 4)
My recommendation would be take the day,
make the detour and play it safe
可以這樣說 Do not take a detour, please.

Learner’s dictionary

2015年3月25日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 105~~

~~英文片語我最行 105~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[warm up] 加熱食物,熱身(運動)

本週片語[dip into]: to spend some of ( the money that one has been saving)
1.      The couple dipped into their retirement savings to buy a new car.
2.      Your savings won’t grow if you keep dipping into them.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2015年3月24日 星期二


Previously on The walking dead:
In arms交情如兄弟般可以互相鉤手臂。Follow up: 遵守,跟著..
Claim: 要求,索取,認領。

本週介紹The walking dead (陰屍路)』第4季第15(Episode 15Season 4)
來學兩個簡單的單字indoor and outdoor
ain't nothing sadder than an outdoor cat that thinks he's an indoor cat
Indoor: used or happening inside a building
Ex. There is an indoor swimming pool in my house.
Outdoor: existing, happening, or used outside, not inside a building
Ex. I like outdoor activities most.
那壞蛋形容貓是Vicious creatures(生物)
Vicious: violent and cruel in a way that hurts someone physically
我們常說的惡性循環就是vicious cycle (良性循環virtuous cycle)

Learner’s dictionary

GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2015年3月18日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 104~~

~~英文片語我最行 104~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb [puzzle out]:苦思

本週片語[warm up]: to heat up (cold food, etc. ) on a cooker, etc.
1.      Mark warmed up the stew and served it with bread.
2.      Could you warm the soup up, please?
Put your food in the microwave and warm it up, please.
Warm up 也可以當作運動前的熱身喔!!

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2015年3月17日 星期二


Previously on The walking dead: Fork over交給,交出。Winner’s choice 贏的人選擇。Win it fair and square 贏的光明正大。

本週介紹The walking dead (陰屍路)』第4季第15(Episode 15Season 4)
Darl 因跟大夥走散遇到了一群人的對話,那群人希望Darl加入團隊
We don't have to be brothers in arms.
We just got to follow the rules.
You claim. If you steal, you keel.
In arms:這裡是指交情如兄弟般可以互相鉤手臂
Follow up: 遵守,跟著..
Claim: 要求,索取,認領
這個字很常看到,例如機場領行李的地方Luggage Claim

Learner’s dictionary
GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2015年3月10日 星期二

~~英文片語我最行 103~~

~~英文片語我最行 103~~
Previously on phrasal Verb [get on for]: 接近….(時間)

本週片語[puzzle out]: to think hard (about a problem) in order to find a solution.
1.      We finally puzzled out why Vera was behaving in that weird way.
2.      Finding our way there will not be easy, but we’re sure that Rick will puzzle it out.
3.      The secretary finally managed to puzzle out what had happened to the missing cash.

Puzzle (V) 使迷惑,使窘困
      (N)  解謎遊戲,難題,困惑

Puzzle out:苦思

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA


Previously on The walking dead: tight緊的,例如sit tight(坐好)

本週介紹The walking dead (陰屍路)』第4季第15(Episode 15Season 4)
Michonne Carl因爭巧克力的對話,
Hey, but you said winner's choice.
Go ahead, take it. It's yours.
You won it fair and square.
Come on, we always share.
Fork it over.

Winner’s choice 贏的人選擇
Win it fair and square 贏的光明正大
Fork over: 交給,交出


Learner’s dictionary
GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2015年3月4日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 102~~

~~英文片語我最行 102~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com

Previously on phrasal Verb [pick up]: 某人

本週片語[get on for]: to be nearly (a certain time)
1.      It’s getting on for lunch time.
2.      It must have been getting on for 6 o’clock.
3.      It’s getting on for 2 am and I think that we should go home.

Get on for 接近….(時間)

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2015年3月3日 星期二


Previously on The walking dead: 舉行投票:take a vote

本週介紹The walking dead (陰屍路)』第4季第14(Episode 14Season 4)
Girls, you sit tight.
You don't come in until we come out

這句話很適合學起來跟小朋友說,別亂跑喔~~sit tight …
另外,晚上要與人說晚安除了goodnight, 我們也可以說 sleep tight !

Learner’s dictionary

GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※