2016年4月27日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 161~~

~~英文片語我最行 161~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[lay out]: 花費

本週片語[smash up]: to damage something badly, to break something so that it is in pieces.
1.      Vandals have smashed up the bench at the bus stop.
2.      The intruders did not steal much, but they smashed all the furniture up.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年4月26日 星期二


Previously on Arrow : Run down撞倒,追查,追捕,用完,逐漸惡化
本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第8(Episode 8 Season 3)
Flash閃電俠說 you tortured that guy.
Arrow 綠箭俠 就回 I interrogated him.
1.      Torture:     to deliberately hurt someone in order to force them to give you information, to punish them, or to be cruel. 折磨
Ex. Political opponents of the regime may be tortured.
2.      Interrogate: to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats. 審問
Ex. The police interrogated the suspect for several hours.


GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2016年4月20日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 160~~

~~英文片語我最行 160~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb [snarl up: 阻礙,阻塞,亂成一團

本週片語[lay out]: to spend (money, often a lot of money ) on something.
1.      Mr. and Mrs. Campbell laid out a fortune on their children’s education.
2.      Mike is refusing to lay any more money out on his son’s old car.
花費的意思,lay out 也有編排,布局的意思喔!

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年4月18日 星期一


Previously on Arrow : Admission門票,通行費用

本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第8(Episode 8 Season 3)
Roy告知Diggle 去追查一個線索
He’s running down a lead.
Run down: (有多種解釋) 撞倒,追查,追捕,用完,逐漸惡化等等
The cyclist was run down by a lorry. 腳踏車被卡車撞到。
If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.假如離開車忘了關大燈,很快就會沒電了。(滿多人有此經驗><)


GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2016年4月13日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 159~~

~~英文片語我最行 159~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb [savour of]: 意味……

本週片語[snarl up] (of traffic) to be unable to move freely,  to have some form of obstruction.
1.      The traffic was snarled up by a major road accident.
2.      It was an overturned lorry that snarled up the traffic.
3.      The traffic got snarled up when a flock of sheep wandered onto the road and could not be moved.


Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年4月12日 星期二


Previously on Arrow : what goes around, comes around種什麼因,得什麼果

本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 第3季第8集(Episode 8 Season 3)
Since when did we start selling admission to the Arrow Cave
Adminssion: the cost of entrance to a concert, sports event, cinema etc
1. Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children.
2. The cost includes free admission to the casinos.
3. The Museum has no admission charge.

※GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+的FB哦!※

2016年4月6日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 158~~

~~英文片語我最行 158~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[lag behind] 落後

本週片語[savour of]: to suggest or seem like something usually something unpleasant.
1.      Carl’s actions savour of revenge.
2.      Marge’s attitude towards her neighbours savours of envy.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年4月5日 星期二


Previously on Arrow : Be spoken for心有所屬了

本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第7(Episode 7 Season 3)
他說: The night is still young
所以在這使用young 年輕表達時間尚早,是初期的意思
另外,另個惡人說 what goes around, comes around

