2016年6月29日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 170~~

~~英文片語我最行 170~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[add in]: 挑選
本週片語[send off] to tell someone to leave a football pitch, etc as a punishment.
1.      The referee sent off three players in the first half of the match.
2.      It was difficult to see why the referee had sent so many players off.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年6月28日 星期二


Previously on Arrow : Persuasive:Intuition直覺
本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第9(Episode9 Season 3)
Speedy的老爸對Oliver Making the subject extremely susceptible to suggestion, or retaining no memory of their actions. 使人容易被旁人左右或對做過的事情沒有印象。
Susceptible: /səˈsɛptəbəl/
easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something.
Ex. a surface highly susceptible to scratches.

Learner's Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2016年6月21日 星期二

~~英文片語我最行 169~~

GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[[single out] 挑選
本週片語[add in]:to include as part of something.
1.      By the time they added delivery charges in, the firm’s furniture was very expensive.
2.      Amy reminded Douglas to add in a tip for the waitress when he paid the bill.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年6月20日 星期一


Previously on Arrow : Persuasive: 有說服力的
本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第9(Episode9 Season 3)
Laurel的母親說There are few things as powerful as a mother’s intuition.
Intuition: a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why.
Ex. Intuition was telling her that something was very wrong.

Learner's Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2016年6月14日 星期二

~~英文片語我最行 168~~

~~英文片語我最行 168~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[look down on]: 輕視,看不起蔑視,瞧不起
本週片語[single out]: to treat someone or something differently from the others in a group, to select someone or something for special treatment.
1.      Jackie was singled out as the most promising new team member.
2.      Sam was no more naughty than the other children in the class, but the teacher singled him out and punished him more.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA


Previously on Arrow : Bribe賄絡,收買
本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第9(Episode9 Season 3)
Maseo Oliver很有說服力,其實就是偪供啦!
My friend can be very persuasive.
One way or the other. 總有辦法….解決

Persuasive: /pɚˈsweɪsɪv/
able to cause people to do or believe something : able to persuade people
Ex. We weren't shown any persuasive evidence that he had committed the crime.

有說服力的 adj.
Learner's Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2016年6月9日 星期四

~~英文片語我最行 167~~

~~英文片語我最行 167~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[take on] ….競爭,對抗 。亦有承擔,開始做….的意思
本週片語[look down on]: to regard and treat (someone or something), as being inferior or unimportant.
1.      Fred is very rich and looks down on the other householders in the street.
2.      Amy’s parents cannot afford expensive toys and the other children look down on her.
Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

2016年6月6日 星期一


Previously on Arrow : Appetite胃口,食欲~
本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 3季第9(Episode9 Season 3)
He said: He’s trying to bribe us.
Bribe: to illegally give someone, especially a public official, money or a gift in order to persuade them to do something for you.
Ex. The only way we could get into the country was by bribing the border officials.

Longman, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

GPS+線上英文教學Online English在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!※

2016年6月1日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 166~~

~~英文片語我最行 166~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[gain on] 跑得比….快,逼近,超過,贏得某人好感

本週片語[take on]: to begin to compete against someone or something.
1.      Next week our team takes on the team which won the league last year.
2.      The firm, although small, is prepared to take the market leaders on.
3.      I would not take Toby on at chess – he’s a brilliant player.
….競爭,對抗 。亦有承擔,開始做….的意思

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA