2014年7月2日 星期三

~英文片語我最行 69~~

~英文片語我最行 69~~

複習上週[fall in with]: to accept and agree to (something) 就是同意某些事情。
今天介紹片語[make out]: to understand (something that may be difficult to understand)
1.     I can’t make out why Rod likes Edith so much – she can be very nasty.
2.     The woman was saying something to me in a foreign accent and I couldn’t make it out.
3.     It was a bad connection, and I could not make out what Don was trying to say.

其實就是"了解” “知道的意思!!  但是make out 也用親熱,接吻的用法!!
使用上要注意喔!! 嘿嘿~~要不然鬧笑話@@~


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