2016年6月1日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 166~~

~~英文片語我最行 166~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[gain on] 跑得比….快,逼近,超過,贏得某人好感

本週片語[take on]: to begin to compete against someone or something.
1.      Next week our team takes on the team which won the league last year.
2.      The firm, although small, is prepared to take the market leaders on.
3.      I would not take Toby on at chess – he’s a brilliant player.
….競爭,對抗 。亦有承擔,開始做….的意思

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

