2016年8月17日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 177~~

~~英文片語我最行 177~~
GPS+英文線上教學English Online在每個星期三或四都會介紹不同英文片語給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定GPS+FB哦!www.Englishgpsplus.com
Previously on phrasal Verb[eat into]慢慢消耗大量的
本週片語[level at] to direct or aim at something such as criticism, accusations etc.
1.    It was unfair to level accusations at Jim – he wasn’t’ even present when the attack occurred.
2.    Bella was distressed that most of the criticism was levelled at her.

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA

