今天介紹陰屍路第四季『The walking
dead (陰屍路)』第3集(Episode 3 Season 4)part 3,介紹前先來複習上上回陰屍路介紹的單字stitch,She stitched up the cut
and left it to heal.(cut指的受傷的傷口)。
Hershel Greene跟Glenn Rhee說It doesn't happen on a timeline.(疾病並無依時間表發作),
Andrea說Try to make a timeline- who's where when.(弄個時間表,紀錄人、地點、時間)。
Timeline: a plan for when
things will happen or how long you think something will take.例: She drew up a timeline (timetable)
for the project.
Learner’s dictionary
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