2015年1月28日 星期三

~~英文片語我最行 98~

~~英文片語我最行 98~
Previously on phrasal Verb [catch up]: 追趕,超過

本週片語[ see to ]:to go (somewhere) with (someone) to make sure that he/she gets there safely, to escort (someone) to (somewhere)

1.      Elsie’s escort saw her to the door of her flat.
2.      Bill didn’t go in the taxi with his mother, but he saw her to it

Escort: 護航,護送
See to 護送,照料,保護(某地),這意思比較少被使用。

比較常用的句型為see to it that..解釋為 務必留心、留意與注意的意思
例如 See to it that you are ready on time. 務必(注意)準時準備完成。

Reference: Phrasal Verbs. Betty Kirkpatrick MA
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